The St John Rotary Club Proudly Hosts St John's Premiere Charity Fundraiser

A memorable evening with music, dancing & St John's best food
at The Westin Resort and Villas, St John USVI November 23, 2019

Flavors, A Taste of St John 2019 will be Saturday, November 23, 2019.

Postponed until next year due to Westin recovery

Tickets Advance Purchase: $100
Food Handlers Advance Discounted: $75
At the Door: $110


 Plan now for a memorable evening of food, fellowship and dancing the Saturday before Thanksgiving in the Westin St John Resort and Villa's ballroom.

Come and see how this year's entrants will fare in the competition:

Postponed until next year due to Westin recovery


Best Appetizer
Best Entree
Best Dessert
Best Mixology

The People's Choice Award (votes by ticket holders).


Flavors is The Rotary Club of St John's primary fundraiser providing for community service projects and scholarships. - Visit Our Club Website and follow us on Facebook


Rotary Club of St. John
Follow us on Facebook!





there is no other culinary experience in all st john like flavors, you do not want to miss it

Flavors of St John • November 23, 2019 on St John US Virgin Islands

contact the rotary club of st john for more info

Info for Participants