St John Rotary’s Flavors 2019

Entrant’s Guide to Winning in any of Four Categories

Welcome to Rotary’s Flavors 2019. This year you will have the opportunity to enter a dish in any of three categories, and a fourth one for a special drink. Consider this the chance to promote your signature dish or drink to a wide spectrum of folks who enjoy great food. We have made changes this year to speed up the judging process and insure that all entrants have a fair chance (since we are collecting at the start, you won’t have run out of some really great, popular dish). These are some guidelines for your entry.

Our judges are chefs and professional food service persons from St Thomas and elsewhere. They have volunteered their services for this event. We expect judging to be complete by 6:30 and the winners will be announced shortly afterwards. You may have the opportunity to debrief the judges during the evening. Contact the Judging Committee to schedule a meeting.

If you have questions or comments, please submit them to the Judging Committee by email to BJ Harris.